About Me
Who is BuyMyHat? BuyMyHat is more than a person - buymyhat is an idea. But we should never forget who founded and explored that idea, me.
the man, the myth, the dood, the legend: Me
Not everyone can be a hat guy. I came to this realization when I first started experimenting with hats my freshman year of college. Morning after morning, I would put on one of my many hats and gaze into my mirror. The hat didn't look right, didn't fit right, didn't feel right. In need for the perfect hat, I dove head-first into the deep expanse of head-wear. For 3 exhaustive years, I sampled through beanies, ascots, berets, straw hats and even fez's before I finally came back to what started it all: the classic dad hat. On one fateful afternoon, during my last quarter of college, a friend surprised me and stuck a dad hat on my head unexpectedly - at that moment, everything changed. I understood the world differently. This hat became a part of me. From that day on, I vowed to change the world in the same way the world was changed for him. This is why I created BuyMyHat. I want every man, woman, and child to experience the same feeling he went through. I want you to be BuyMyHat.